Open Conference Systems, International Conference on Biopsychosocial Issues: An Inter-multidisciplinary Approach

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Body Image Of Amerging Women As Seen From Intensity Of Instagram Use

mariana D.C Lerik, Dwi Septyawati Reinheizher Lobo, marty mawarpury, R. Pasifikus wijaya

Last modified: 2022-11-13


Emerging adults are heavily influenced by their environment, including social media platforms such as Instagram. The ideal standard of appearance that is spread on social media in particular This Instagram is having a skinny body, and this white skin turns out to be inversely proportional to the standards in East Nusa Tenggara, one of which is eastern province of Indonesia. Investigate this goal to learn about the intensity of Instagram use with an image body. Investigate this goal to learn about the intensity of Instagram use with an image body. quantitative study with a correlational approach Participants surveyed 384 women Instagram users in 22 districts in NTT Province, aged 18–24 years (mean age, 21 years). The sample used is the sampling quota. Data collection using The Instagram Intensity Scale, which consists of the top 3 dimensions: connection, emotion, number of followers, and duration of time used on Instagram; and the Body Appreciation Scale 2. Data analysis using Rank Spearman. The analysis results show a significant correlation between the image body and the number of followers. Body image has no significant relationship with connection emotion or frequency of Instagram use.

Keywords : body image , instagram intensity, emerging adulthood

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