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The 3rd International Conference on Biopsychosocial Issues 2024

  • The 3rd International Conference on Biopsychosocial Issues 2024

    November 17, 2024 – November 18, 2024

Proceeding of International Conference on Business and Economy 2024

  • 9th International Conference on Business and Economy

    June 21, 2024 – June 21, 2024

Prosiding Nasional Kreativitas dalam Seni, Bahasa, dan Kewirausahaan

  • Webinar Nasional Kreativitas dalam Seni, Bahasa, dan Kewirausahaan

    February 17, 2024 – February 17, 2024

Festival Riset Akuntansi (FRA) III

Untuk menambah wawasan kalangan akademisi maupun praktisi mengenai bagaimanameningkatkan profesionalisme akuntan pada era New Normal, serta untuk meningkatkankemampuan Dosen dalam melakukan riset dan Publikasi Ilmiah, maka Ikatan AkuntanIndonesia Forum Dosen Akuntansi Perguruan Tinggi Provinsi Jawa Tengah bermaksudmenyelenggarakan kegiatan Festival Riset Akuntansi (FRA) 3 berskala internasional dengantema “The Role of Accounting Competency Development in Sustainable EconomicRecovery and Digital Economy”

  • Festival Riset Akuntansi (FRA) III

    November 24, 2023 – November 25, 2023

Seminar Nasional Psikologi (SERASI): Mencapai Kesejahteraan Psikologis dalam Masyarakat Multikulktur di Era Baru

  • Seminar Nasional Psikologi (SERASI): Mencapai Kesejahteraan Psikologis dalam Masyarakat Multikulktur di Era Baru

    October 20, 2023 – October 21, 2023

The 3rd Health Law International Online Seminar "Digital Health Care Transformation"

  • The 3rd Health Law International Online Seminar "Digital Health Care Transformation"

    March 12, 2023 – March 13, 2023


    The development of current technological advances encourages healthcare and health law practitioners to have openness and understanding in the management and storage of health data, as well as collaborating with related disciplines to anticipate the misuse and leakage of health data that has a detrimental impact on patients. The Faculty of Law and Communication at the Soegijapranata Catholic University (Unika Soegijapranata), through the Master of Health Law Program, intends to host the 3rd International Conference on Health Law with the theme ‘Digital Healthcare Transformation: Electronic Medical Record and Personal Data Protection’. This theme is carried by upholding the spirit of being critical, innovative, and creative in responding to the implementation of health services that continues to develop, especially in terms of the preparation and storage of medical records, which have transformed conventional forms into digital ones that are more concise, neat, practical, and paperless. On the other hand, the security of health data from the danger of hacking by irresponsible parties is also a concern for many health practitioners.

    Legal certainty plays an integral part in implementing digital health service transformation. It is an important concern of health law as an effort to realize legal protection for health workers and patients. Regulation of medical records in Indonesia, set in Ministry of Health Regulation No. 269/MENKES/Per/III/2008 on Medical Records. In September 2022, the regulation was updated by the Ministry of Health Regulation No. 24 of 2022, emphasizing electronic medical records implementation. Electronic medical records systems are intended to administer medical records by meeting data and information security principles, including integrity and availability. The government’s regulation in Indonesia has also supported electronic medical records by adjusting the development of legal needs in Indonesia.

    The main legal issues related to medical records and health information contained at least 3 things: compilation, maintenance, and retention; use and disclosure of health information; and the use of medical records in judicial processes. In the end, the implementation of electronic medical records has its challenges that come not only from the legal aspect but also from the readiness of the human resources, including the ability, consistency, and commitment to implementation, readiness, and availability of infrastructure, and completeness of the digital system. This conference will be held to answer various questions and doubts regarding the view of health law on the change from conventional medical records to electronic medical records, cyber security, and digital health care data protection.


    • To understand the legal aspect of electronic medical records and digital health care data protection.
    • To understand the applications and challenges in implementing electronic medical records and digital health care data protection.
    • To understand and develop insight into the application of electronic medical records and digital health care data protection.


    • Date : December 10, 2022
    • Time : 08.00 AM - 21.00 PM - Western Indonesia Time (UTC +7)
    • Place : Virtual (via Zoom Platform)


    • Conference
    • Paper Presentation
    • e-Proceeding


    • Students
    • Lecturers
    • Health Law Activists and Enthusiasts
    • Healthcare Professionals
    • Health Care Facilities Owner and Management
    • Member of Health Care Facilities Association
    • Public



    We seek new and emerging health law issues worldwide, with the following topics:

    1. Telemedicine.

    2. Medical Malpractice.

    3. Health Policy.

    4. Environmental Health Policy.

    5. Legal Aspects of Electronic Medical Records.

    6. Human Rights and Health.

    7. Hospital Law.

    8. Drug and Food Law.

    Coverage includes matters of interest to academic lawyers, practicing lawyers, medical ethicists, bioethicists, healthcare professionals, healthcare and healthcare service administrators, and those studying aspects of health law and ethics.


1st Sustainability International Conference (SIC): Equitable Environment and Resource Management for Poverty Alleviation

  • 1st Sustainability International Conference (SIC): Equitable Environment and Resource Management for Poverty Alleviation

    June 1, 2023 – June 2, 2023

International Conference on Biopsychosocial Issues: An Inter-multidisciplinary Approach

International Conference on Biopsychosocial Issues: An Inter-multidisciplinary Approach

  • International Conference on Biopsychosocial Issues: An Inter-multidisciplinary Approach

    August 9, 2022 – August 10, 2022

Proceeding Health Law International Online Seminar

This event is called “Health Law International Online Seminar” and the theme of this International Online Seminar is “COVID-19 Vaccine: Health Law, Justice, and Human Right Perspective”

  • Health Law International Seminar "Covid-19 Vaccine: Health Law, Justice & Human Right Perspectives"

    September 1, 2021 – September 2, 2021


    Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is a horrendous health issue in the world. COVID-19 pandemic has an impact of life, it could be decreased health status. World Health Organization (WHO) has declared COVID-19 as a global health emergency. Therefore, WHO asks each countries to take urgent and aggressive actions to prevent and overcome the spread of COVID-19 virus.

    As law based nation, Indonesia has established rules and regulations to prevent infectious disease. Indonesian Government has issued Presidential Regulation Number 99 of 2020 about concerning Vaccines Procurement and Implementation of Vaccinations in the Context of the Corona Virus Disease-19 (COVID-19) Pandemic affirming the acceleration of the procurement of its vaccine and its roll-out.

    Every government is required to assure the welfare of all its citizens including the state of Health and Wellbeing with the ultimate goal of highest health status achievement. This is in accordance with the mandate stated in article 34 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution. “The state is responsible for the provision of proper health service facilities and public service facilities. Health is a right for everyone. So everyone has the same right to be healthy without exception. Article 28 H paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution states: "Every person has the right to live in physical and spiritual prosperity, to have a place to live, and to have a good and healthy living environment and the right to obtain health services".

    Based on this situation, possible ways to prevent the spreading of by developing and manufacturing vaccines. Vaccines provide protection not only for the people who are vaccinated, but also for the wider community by reducing the spread of disease. The SARS-CoV-2 virus spreads from person to person. The transmission between human-to-human can be broken known as "herd immunity" or "community protection", which is important for vaccination. Safe and effective vaccine was needed to control pandemic because it can be inhibit the spread and prevent recurrence of Covid-19 disease also reduce death rate.

    Minister of Health Regulation stated Number 28 of 2020 concerning Implementation of Vaccine Procurement in the Context of Combating the 2019 Corona Virus Disease Pandemic (COVID-19 as amended by Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 79 of 2020 concerning Amendments to the Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 28 of 2020 concerning Implementation Procurement of Vaccines in the context of Pandemic Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 84 of 2020 concerning Implementation of Vaccinations in the Context of Combating Pandemic Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19), Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 10 Years 2021 Regarding the Implementation of Vaccination in the Context of the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic.


    The aim of this International Online Seminar:

    1. To find out regulations and policies for COVID-19 vaccination and its effectiveness in each country.
    2. To find out the fulfillment of citizens’ rights related to COVID-19 vaccination in each country.
    3. To find out the national responsibility and financial system regarding to the COVID-19 vaccination.

    Date       : Saturday, 5 June 2021

    Time       : 09.00 - 15.00 WIB

    Media    : Online via Zoom Meeting Platform


    1. Health Law International Online Seminar

    2. Call of Paper International Online Seminar:

    • Members of professional organizations,
    • Students (Undergraduate Law, Postgraduate Health Law, Medicine, Nursing, Public Health)




    Number of participants  : 500 participants

    : 250 free of charges participant

    : 250 paid participants

    Participant Criteria        :

    1. Profession: specialist/dentist specialist, doctor / dentist, nurse, midwife, pharmacist etc.,
    2. Professional Organizations: IDI, PDGI, PPNI, IBI, IAI, IPAI, PAKSI, PAFI, etc.,
    3. Administrators and members of Indonesian Health Law Society (MHKI),
    4. Health Service Facilities: Hospitals, Clinics, Medical Centers, Independent Practitioners, Health Laboratories, Pharmacies,
    5. Health Service Facility Organizations: PERSI, ARSADA, ARSSI, ASKLIN, PKFI, PERKALINDO, etc.
    6. University: Students and Lecturers (Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Health, Faculty of Public Health, etc.),
    7. General Participants,
    8. Free of Charge Participants consisting of colleagues of each speakers, the Ministry of Health, the provincial and the districts health office where the students live, the Indonesian Health Law Society, and administrators of professional associations and health facilities associations.

Kolokium: Metodologi Ilmu-Ilmu dalam Memotret Perubahan Sosial Kontemporer

Pusat Studi Urban Universitas Katolik Soegijapranata (selanjutnya disebut PSU-Unika) akan menggelar  Kolokium pada 13-14 Juli 2021. Bahasa sehari-hari ini akan membahas metodologi yang selama ini dikembangkan, digunakan, dan diproyeksikan ke arah “inklusi ". Kolokium ini menyambut baik terbitnya buku PSU-Unika yang bertajuk “Membangun Kota Inklusif” yang disunting oleh Dr. Yustina Trihoni Nalesti Dewi, S.H., M.H. dan Dr. Antonius M. Laot Kian, S.S., M.Hum - keduanya anggota PSU-Unika (diterbitkan oleh Rajawali Press)

  • Kolokium: Metodologi Ilmu-Ilmu dalam Memotret Perubahan Sosial Kontemporer

    July 13, 2021 – July 14, 2021

    Kerangka saintifik

    Pada tahun 2020-2021, Pusat Studi Urban (PSU) Universitas Katolik (Unika)  Soegijapranata mengadakan penulisan santifik yang memunculkan naskah publikasi “Membangun Kota Inklusif, sebuah Antologi”. Penulisan saintifik ini merupakan kerjasama antara PSU Unika Soegijapranata dan Indonesia Peace Network. Penulisan saintifik ini menjadi latar dari proses kolokium “Metodologi ilmu-ilmu dalam memotret perubahan sosial kontemporer” yang diselenggarakan pada Juni-Juli 2021.


    Memakai istilah “memotret” terhadap “perubahan sosial  kontemporer” mempunyai risiko tersendiri meskipun perlu dipahami sebagai sebuah proses. Masyarakat dan perubahannya adalah sesuatu yang dinamis. Bisa jadi “memotret” dapat dimengerti sebagai proses melihat perubahan patahan-patahan gambar (moving stills), atau sebagai proses reflektif dengan menggunakan sudut pandang tertentu. Dengan ini, kita dapat melihat bahwa metodologi ilmu-ilmu menjadi penting untuk masuk dalam diskusi, perdebatan, konstruksi dan rekonstruksi, atau sekedar suatu proses refleksi.


    Nilai-nilai yang dibawa dalam suatu perubahan masyarakat juga memaksa metodologi ilmu-ilmu untuk melihat dirinya kembali. Perubahan tidaklah bebas nilai tetapi seringkali membawa suatu nilai. Sejak munculnya perkembangan ilmu-ilmu sosial dan filsafat ilmu-ilmu sosial, pemahaman semacam ini sudah menjadi pondasi dasar. Demikian pula, sejak munculnya “studi perdamaian”, ilmu-ilmu “dipaksa” untuk memakai suatu dasar dan kerangka nilai tertentu terutama nilai-nilai perdamaian, termasuk di dalamnya penghargaan, koeksistensi, self-preservation, kolaborasi, dan berbagai kualifikasi dan atribusi lain yang relevan.


    Perdebatan mengenai ilmu-ilmu perlu untuk kita refleksikan lagi, meskipun tidak untuk terjebak pada penjara monolitik atas masing-masing kubu perdebatan. Pemisahan dan pembedaan mengenai “geisteswissenschfaten” dan “naturwissenschaften, kemudian mengenai “verstehen” dan “erklaren” dapat membantu kita untuk mererfleksikan kembali metodologi ilmu-ilmu, termasuk terhadap masyarakat. Dalam konteks ini, kita melihat bagaimana ilmu-ilmu hendak membangun “objek” sedekat atau sedikriptif mungkin. Apapun perdebatannya, proses inilah yang penting untuk kita refleksikan kembali.


    Masyarakat yang dinamis sekaligus penuh kontradiksi seringkali membawa proses membangun “objek” menjadi proses yang berjalan terus-menerus, tanpa berhenti. Metodologi ilmu-ilmu juga mengalami “rekalibrasi””. Proses yang menarik.


    Metodologi ilmu-ilmu ini yang menjadi perhatian dari kolokium -bagaimana metodologi ini hendak sejauh-jauhnya tiba pada sisi terdalam dari perubahan sosial, dan sejauh-jauhnya memahami dampak jangka pendek dan jangka jauh-nya.



    Riset yang diundang pada kolokium

    Kolokium mengundang kajian yang selesai atau kajian yang berjalan yang membawa atau menggunakan metodologi ilmu-ilmu untuk mencermati perubahan masyarakat. Karena ini tema yang amat luas, maka perubahan sosial yang dimaksud adalah hal-hal yang mempengaruhi “inklusivitas”, “proses saling merangkul” -atau kekurangan atau ketiadaannya (lack of it). Ilmu-ilmu dan khasahanya tidak dibatasi. Hal ini dapat berasal dari ilmu murni dan ilmu terapan (applied science) seperti geometry, teknik (engineering), arsitektur, urban planning; dan yang berasal dari ilmu-ilmu kemanusiaan (humanities).


    Kajian yang diundang adalah hasil atau isi dari “pengabdian” dan/atau “penelitian” yang diselenggarakan dalam lingkup Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. Kajian ini diolah ke dalam artikel sepanjang 5 halaman (tidak termasuk daftar pustaka) -lihat pengaturan penulisan.


    Kajian ini sebaiknya masih berada dalam kerangka waktu 7 tahun terakhir ini, meskipun tidak menghalangi pengolahan kembali atau rekalibrasi kajian yang sudah dilakukan melampaui 7 tahun terakhir ini.


    Komite saintifik

    Meskipun kolokium ini bersifat pertukaran hasil dari penelitian atau pengabdian secara kolegial, dan bukan proses yang amat rigid, namun PSU Unika Soegijapranata membentuk komite saintifik untuk membantu proses kolokium tetap mempunyai dasar-dasar saintifik yang minimal dan/atau relevan. Komite Saintifik akan diketuai oleh ex-officio Kepala PSU Unika Soegijaparanata, dan dengan anggota-anggota komite.


    Dari proses kolokium, komite saintifik akan mengolah diskusi dan pertukaran masukan menjadi suatu dokumen prosiding yang nantinya akan menjadi publikasi khusus. Komite saintifik juga akan mendorong isi dan hasil dari kolokium menjadi kajian-kajian lanjutan baik dalam pengabdian dan penelitian di berbagai bidang.


    Tanggal Penting

    Publikasi Acara                                   16 Mei 2021

    Penerimaan Abstrak                           16 - 26 Mei 2021

    Pengumuman Penerimaan                 1 Juni 2021

    Penerimaan Artikel                             2 Juni - 1 Juli 2021

    Pelaksanaan                                        13 - 14 Juli 2021


    Tautan Penting

    TOR, Template Abstrak, dan Template Artikel dapat diunduh di

    Pengiriman Pendaftaran Author, submit  Abstrak dan Artikel di


Knowledge Festival 2020 “Borderless Classroom: Best Practices of Virtual Learning”

Kegiatan KNOWLEDGE FESTIVAL 2020 adalah  media bagi seluruh dosen Universitas Katolik Soegijapranata untuk menampilkan karya-karya pembelajaran terbaik yang berhasil diperoleh selama ini. Terlebih di masa pademi Covid-19 memaksa para dosen dan mahasiswa untuk bekerja dan belajar dari rumah dengan metode pembelajaran daring.

  • Knowledge Festival 2020 “Borderless Classroom: Best Practices of Virtual Learning”

    August 19, 2020 – August 20, 2020


    Kegiatan KNOWLEDGE FESTIVAL 2020 adalah  media bagi seluruh dosen Universitas Katolik Soegijapranata untuk menampilkan karya-karya pembelajaran terbaik yang berhasil diperoleh selama ini. Terlebih di masa pademi Covid-19 memaksa para dosen dan mahasiswa untuk bekerja dan belajar dari rumah dengan metode pembelajaran daring.

    Karya-karya terbaik tentang pembelajaran daring yang telah dilakukan oleh dosen-dosen Unika Soegijapranata sudah selanyaknya mendapat tempat untuk disemaikan dalam kegiatan bersama yang diberi nama KNOWLEDGE FESTIVAL 2020. Knowledge Festival 2020 akan dilakukan dengan media daring dengan bentuk web seminar (webinar).


    Nama kegiatan “ KNOWLEDGE FESTIVAL 2020”. Dengan tema “Borderless Classroom: Best Practices of Virtual Learning”

    Bentuk acara adalah web seminar (webinar) dengan 3 (tiga ) sesi, yaitu :

    1. Plenary Session (Tema : Kiat Mengajar dengan Audio Visual).

    Keynote Speaker : Amelia Hapsari, BSc, MA. Communication and Media.(Program Director di In-Docs, peraih Piala Citra untuk kategori film dokumenter pendek terbaik pada 2018, Sineas Indonesia pertama yang menjadi juri Piala Oscar) .

    2. Panel Session (Joyful Learning with

    • Benediktus Danang Setianto, SH, LLM, MIL : Group Discussions Tips
    • Dr. Christine Wibowo, S.Psi, M.Si : Gamification
    • Albertus Dwi Yoga, S.Kom, M.Kom: YouTube Integration
    • Cecilia Titiek Murniati, Ph.D: Interactive Learning Tools

    3. Parallel Session/Call for Paper (Learning Best Practices with

    Parallel session ini menyajikan best pratices dari pencapaian akademik dosen yang dituangkan dalam bentuk artikel yang akan dipresentasikan secara daring terkait dengan kegiatan pembelajaran yang menggunakan platform


    Sebagai media untuk saling berbagi wawasan terkini terkait  karya dosen dalam menjalankan kegiatan pembelajaran daring


    Seluruh Dosen Universitas Katolik Soegijapranata.


    Hari Rabu Tanggal 19 Agustus 2020 dan dilaksanakan daring.


    Pendaftaran Peserta melalui


    1. e-Sertifikat
    2. e-Prosiding


    • 12 Agustus 2020      Batas akhir penerimaan paper (Full Paper)
    • 14 Agustus 2020      Pengumuman full paper lolos seleksi


    1. Virtual Classroom Management

    • Boosting Students’ Active Participation in the Online Classroom
    • Effective Lesson Presentation
    • Managing attendance, assignments, and quiz
    • Working with big classes
    • Assigning students for individual and group work

    2. Methods for Online Teaching

    • Creative online teaching techniques
    • Maximizing the interactive learning tools in
    • Teaching strategies in science classes
    • Teaching strategies in social classes

    3. Assessment and Quality Assurance

    • Assessing students’ daily performance
    • Accuracy of Online Assessment
    • New ways of learning assessment
    • Student and Teacher Evaluation Forms

    4. Academic Online Platform

    • Cyber as supporting platform for academic activities
    • Creative and innovative ways of working with
    • Seminars and workshops with


    Anda dapat mengunduh format makalah Knowlegde Festival 2020 pada tautan berikut:Template_Makalah_KF_2020


    Anda diharuskan untuk melakukan otentikasi terlebih dahulu agar dapat mengunggah makalah Anda. Jika Anda belum memiliki akun, berikut tautan untuk melakukan proses registrasi

    Berikut dokumentasi Panduan Registrasi & Paper Submission Paper: download


    • Jika anda belum punya akun anda bisa mendaftar dengan cara kilk di sini
    • Jika anda sudah punya akun anda bisa langsung login di sini
    • Setelah Login, anda bisa mulai submit paper di sini
    • Jika mengalami kendala dapat menghubungi kontak kami


    • Sdri. Ratih : 088215531042



Festival Riset Akuntansi (FRA) II 2020

Seminar dan Call for Papers yang terangkum dalam Festival Riset Akuntansi diselenggarakan agar kalangan akademisi maupun praktisi dapat memahami tentang perubahan peran akuntan di era new normal serta dapat meningkatkan kemampuan penulisan artikel ilmiah

  • Webinar dan Call for Paper Online

    October 3, 2020 – October 4, 2020

Seminar Nasional TJI 2019

Seminar Nasional The Java Institute (TJI) dilaksanakan hari Jumat 28 Juni 2019 di Universitas Katolik Soegijapranata


  • Seminar Nasional TJI 2019

    June 28, 2019 – June 29, 2019

6th International Conference on Chinese Indonesian Studies (ICCIS) “Visual Culture of Chinese Diasporas in Asia”

The conference will be held at Thomas Aquinas Building, Theatre Room, 3rd floor, Soegijapranata Catholic University, Semarang – Jl. Pawiyatan Luhur IV/1, Bendan Dhuwur, Semarang 50234 – Indonesia. 22-23 November 2019

  • 6th International Conference on Chinese Indonesian Studies (ICCIS) “Visual Culture of Chinese Diasporas in Asia”

    November 22, 2019 – November 23, 2019

Innovation in Education: Opportunities and Challenges in Southeast Asia

Co-presented by the United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia and Soegijapranata Catholic University

Date: October 29 – 30, 2019

Venue: Soegijapranata Catholic University, Semarang, Indonesia

  • Innovation in Education: Opportunities and Challenges in Southeast Asia

    October 29, 2019 – October 30, 2019

    Digital technologies have had profound effect within the field of education, transforming teaching practice, delivery, and assessment on a global level.  In the ASEAN region, new methods such as blended or hybrid learning, the use of massive open online courses (MOOCs), and real-time student assessment, have been adopted by both individual teachers and educational institutions alike, challenging notions of the classroom space as static, and enabling educators access to new student populations.  Amidst the dizzying speed of development, there has also been growing concern that the benefits, efficiencies, and equity promised by the ‘digital revolution’ have not been uniform.  Some suggest that new digital technologies have exacerbated existing inequalities, furthering divisions and challenging the ability of higher education institutions to educate the whole person.  The ASEAN region, it is projected, will be fourth largest economy in the world by 2030 and there is a steadily growing cohort of digital talent, but how will this capacity be utilized?  Perhaps most importantly, how will the region’s colleges and universities contribute to developing not only digitally adept graduates, but ethically minded and holistically formed students over the coming years?

    Co-presented by the United Board and Soegijapranata Catholic University this two-day conference will explore the unique challenges and opportunities facing the ASEAN region, with sessions designed to highlight the innovative ways in which colleges and universities leverage technological advances for the promotion of whole person education.  Featuring keynote and plenary presentations from leaders from within Asian higher education, paper presentation sessions, and workshops, this unique conference will provide an opportunity to receive insight from innovative leaders within Asian higher education in Asia, as well as the insights of technology pioneers within Asia.